Guangzhou Union Steel Buildings Co.,Ltd is listed as the “Two-Highs & Four-New Enterprises”


To speed up the construction of the "Made in China 2025" Pilot Demonstrationa, Guangzhou City, give full play to the enterprises, support enterprises to increase technical reforms, increase the intensity of industrial investment in Guangzhou City, and promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.

Guangzhou Industrial and Information Technology committee based on relevant procedures, selected the Three Batches of Enterprise, which includs: one batch of "manufacturing backbone enterprises", one batch of "two-high & four-new enterprises", and one batch of "small-scale-upgrating-to-regular-scale enterprises".

Guangzhou Union Steel Buildings Co.,Ltd has been fortunate to be selected as the first batch of "two-high & four-new enterprises". This will provide preferential policies for the development and expansion of our company, which will enable us to provide better services for more companies and contribute more effort to the "Made in China 2025".


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